Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Reading response 25 enteries of mistakes made from slip of the tongue Essay

Reading response 25 enteries of mistakes made from slip of the tongue - Essay Example The existence of phonemic or lexical errors in the above sentences offers evidence that the speakers are engaging on forward planning of their utterances. It can be noted from the speech errors that speakers need to adhere to a certain set of linguistic rules. For instance, phonetic constraints prescribe the possible sequences of sounds. Additionally, the studies on speech error have found that there is existence of rules that stipulates the manner in which morphemes are pronounced or how they need to be used together with other morphemes. According to Garrett (1980), the examples below show that speech errors also observe these rules. From the speech errors it can be deduced that elements that interact with each another have a tendency to semantically or phonetically to be same to one another. This means that vowels and vowels exchange and consonants with consonants, the slips are consistent with the language phonological rules, and lastly, in speech errors there are consistent stress patterns. Primarily, both interacting segments receive minor or major

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